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Neuerscheinung: Becoming Vigilant Subjects

Eveline Dürr, Jonathan Alderman, Catherine Whittaker, Christiane Brenner, Irene Götz, Hannah Michel, Agnes Rugel, Brendan Röder und Alena Zelenskaia Band 3 der Kleinen Reihe des Sonderforschungsbereichs Vigilanzkulturen Der SFB 1369...

What Is Political About Political Attention? Report on the Workshop “The Politics of Attention” (University of Fribourg, June 30th – July 1st, 2021)

Attention has been a subject of philosophical interest for a long time. In contrast to the ever-growing literature on the epistemology and the ethics of attention, much less has been said, however, about its political aspects. Can a political community or a political institution pay attention? Can attention be said to contribute to the exercise of political faculties such as judgment?