von Pia Fuschlberger
In the second funding phase, the CRC set itself the objective of investigating the combinatorial logic of vigilance. Based on the assumption that vigilance is not a phenomenon that can be ascribed to a single individual, the CRC intends to undertake a joint investigation into the specific elements that contribute to the production and stabilisation of vigilance. By posing the question of how heterogeneous elements interact to establish vigilance, the CRC expands the scope of its analysis to encompass non-human actors, material objects and the environment in the context of vigilance cultures. This necessitated a multi-perspective and multidisciplinary approach. A diverse group of scholars, representing a range of research areas including ancient history, anthropology, early modern history, ethnology, art history, and computer science, convened at the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung in Munich on the 24th and 25th of October 2024. The aim was to address questions pertaining to the distribution of vigilance, responsibility, and agency by delineating and analysing disparate constellations of vigilance across cultural and historical contexts.